Designing a Public Policy Formulation Model Based on the Behavioral Economics Approach Case Study: Judicial Policies

Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD of Public Administration, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor of leadership & Human Capital Department, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 Professor of Policy & Public Administration Department, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

4 Assistant Professor of Innovation policy and foresight Department, Institute Technology Studies, Tehran, Iran


To improve public policies, investigating the causes of policy failures is essential. The policymakers' neglect of key actors' motivations can be one of the main reasons for policy failures, rooted in the policy formulation stage. In this research, by using the behavioral economics approach in the policy formulation process, an attempt has been made to provide a model for policy formulation that guarantees its implementation by aligning the motivation of key actors and stakeholders so that the failure rate of the policy is close to zero. For this purpose, initially, 22 researches were selected and systematically examined among about 100 related research works using a systematic literature review. In the second part, two cases of judicial policies were deeply investigated using multiple case study strategy. Finally, by comparing and summarizing the findings of the two stages, the final model of the research was presented with the title "behavioral organization model of policy".


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