Structuring Policy Problems :A Review of Public Policy Analysis: An Integrated Approach by William N. Dunn

Document Type : Review Article


Master's Student of Public Policy, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


This text is a review of the third chapter of sixth edition (2017) of the book Public Policy Analysis: An Integrated Approach which has provided an overview of the nature of policy problems, described the process of structuring these problems, examined relationships among policy models, &described different methods of problem structuring. The chapter shows that one of the most important challenges facing policy analysts is to reduce the likelihood of a Type III error: defining the wrong problem. A Type III error is different from a Type I statistical error (rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true) &a Type II statistical error (accepting the null hypothesis when it is false). Analysts seem to fail more often because they solve the wrong problem than because they get the wrong solution to the right problem. By skills like econometric modeling &decision analysis, Type III error could be avoided.


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