The Prioritizing the key issues in the regulation of the relationship between the public sector and NGOs in the field of charities


1 Graduated Ph.D. Marketing Management at Islamic Azad University of Central Tehran Branch

2 Ph.D. Student of Islamic teachings and public administration of Imam Sadiq University


One of the most important elements of good governance is the increasing public participation in community affairs. Aid to poor people and charitable activities are one of the most important areas that individuals must be activated in it. This is so important that It can be argued the solving of poverty is not possible without public participation. On the other hand, the government cannot be apathetic to their responsibility in preparation and facilitating Charities activities. The lack of regulation of the relationship between the public sector and the nonprofit sector in charities causes is one of the problems of the nation. The Achievement to the desired pattern to set this relationship, in the first step we need to identify the damages in this subject. In the first study, we conduct some interviews with a number of managers of Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation and authorities of charities. After that we use thematic analysis to identify the main damage in the regulation of the relationship. The damage included 31 issues were classified in 6 main categories. Then, with using Analytical Hierarchy Process the issues are prioritized. Finally, the problem of monitoring and evaluating the performance of charities and charge of the government in the subject of poverty elimination were identified as the most important macro issues in this area.


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