Comparative Study of Knowledge, Innovation, and Business Ecosystems: A Policy-Oriented Approach

Document Type : Review Article


1 Ph.D. Student in Management of Technology, Alborz Campus, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Industrial management, College of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Department of Innovation Policy and Future Studies, Technology Studies Institute, Tehran, Iran



This study reviews and compares knowledge, innovation, and business ecosystems, highlighting their similarities, differences, and interactions. The knowledge ecosystem emphasizes knowledge production and exchange through collaboration between universities, research institutions, and companies. The innovation ecosystem focuses on creating shared value by developing and commercializing innovations, involving a network of companies and institutions. The business ecosystem centers around creating economic value through dynamic competition, often structured around a central company or platform. A systematic literature review using bibliometric and content analysis was conducted to analyze existing studies. The findings reveal that while these ecosystems have distinct objectives and structures, they share overlaps that facilitate synergy and stronger interconnections. Such interactions enhance productivity and efficiency and contribute to sustainable economic growth and innovation. This study presents a comparative framework that can serve as a guide for researchers and policymakers in shaping inter-ecosystem interactions.


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