Systematic Review of Research Related to Housing Policies in Iran (Study of 1991 to 2021)

Document Type : Review Article


1 PhD of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Isfahan University of Art, Isfahan, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Isfahan University of Art, Isfahan, Iran


Providing housing has been known as one of Iran's problems since before revolution, despite the policies made before, after of revolution, this problem has not been solved but has appeared more seriously. So, various research has been conducted about policy-analysis, and their review helps to identify research gaps and prevents repetitive research. so, this study, with qualitative approach and interpretative paradigm, aims to identify gaps of internal research of housing policy in the last three decades and has used the method of bibliometric analysis, systematic review. Results show that vocabulary of research, in 3 general categories of development plans and policies, factors affecting housing policies and their future, and the effects and consequences of housing policies and their efficiency, and research goal in 4 groups including description (1.5%), cause (7.3%), Consequence (77.4%) and supplementary research (13.8%) are classified. Therefore, main gap is related cause and lack of research in that analysis of housing policy in 3-dimensions at the same time.


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