The Requirements of Iran's Foreign Policy in Types of International Order

Document Type : Research Article


Associate Professor of International relations, Faculty of Law, Political Science and history, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran


The debate about the international order, how it is changed and built, as well as its types, has been one of the most important subjects in the literature of international relations. From the perspective of this paper, this issue can have a very important value in foreign policy literature, because attention the types of order and how to deal with it can be considered as one of the important preconditions in the successful foreign policy making. In this regard, this article by assuming three parallel orders in the current international system, i.e. "hegemonic order, balance of power order and institutional order", seeks to answer the question of how the most important policy prescriptions of Iran in these three orders should be? In response to this question, it is suggested that Iran should be considered as a rational actor and constitutive revisionist in the hegemonic order, as a rational actor and security or power seeking actor in the balance of power order, and as a norm-creating and idea-creating actor in the institutional order. Each of these roles requires the use of specific policies that will be discussed in the article. This research is considered a prescriptive research whose policy prescriptions are according to the theoretical framework of the relevant literature.


منابع فارسی:
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