Educational Justice in the Light of the Law on the Establishment and Administration of non-Governmental Schools and Educational Centers

Document Type : Research Article


Assistant professor of law and political science, department in Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran


Considering the importance of educational justice and the approval of the law "Establishment and Administration of Non-Governmental Schools and Educational Centers" in Iran, the question arises as to what effect the law on the establishment and administration of non-governmental schools and educational centers has on the realization of educational justice?
In response to the above question, first :, using the documentary method, educational justice was indexed according to Rawls, second , the city of Kerman was selected as a study sample, and using a questionnaire, the main indicators of educational justice in non-government schools were compared. It was investigated with the public schools of this city, third, the results of the second step were analyzed with semi-structured interviews with experts of education department of this city.
Although the implementation of the aforementioned law helps to develop educational justice, other needs of Kerman public schools are ignored, and this law is only a one-dimensional view of educational justice.


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