Division of National Work in the Science, Technology and Innovation System of Iran's Cyberspace; Institutional Mapping Approach

Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant Professor,, Department of Business, Research Institute for Information and Communication Technology, ACECR, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Technology and Industrial Management; University of Tehran (College of Farabi), Qom, Iran


Using the institutional mapping approach, the present research has investigated the important actors of the science, technology and innovation system of Iran's cyber space and their functions in this system. The importance of this issue stems from the fact that the science, technology and innovation system of cyber space has a high number and diversity in actors and functions, and the effort to investigate them can help to better understanding the structural and functional complexities of this system. The data collection of this research has been done through a library study, including the review of previous studies and documents, including the description of the duties of organizations, statutes, laws, and upstream documents, as well as a field study, including holding a panel with key stakeholders. Classification of identified actors based on the theoretical framework in five levels of government, educational and research institutions, intermediate institutions, companies (large companies, small and medium businesses, start-ups and technological units), and non-governmental organizations (specialized association, trade association, unions, non-governmental organization) was done. Then, through the actors-functions matrix, it was determined what functions each actor plays in the science, technology and innovation system of cyber space. According to the findings, the main guardian of the cyber space science, technology and innovation system is the Supreme Council of Cyber Space. Also, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology has the largest role among other players in this system. The role of civil institutions and the private sector also needs to be highlighted in this system. The policy implication of this research is that the governance of science, technology and innovation system of cyber space requires a networked and evidence-based approach that, in addition to considering the views and expectations of all stakeholders, operates based on the facts and objective conditions.


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