Nanotechnology policy durability in Iran; Qualitative analysis of the policy cycle

Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant Professor, Innovation Policy and Future Studies Research Group, Technology Studies Institute, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. Student of Technology Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


The long-term focused &systemic policy-making of nanotechnology in Iran has been carried out since 2001 &it seems that it will continue for at least another decade. Iran Nanotechnology Innovation Council (INIC), as the particular body, has been responsible for the development of nanotechnology in the country. The implementation of two short-term programs in the years 2001 to 2005 &the formulation &implementation of the first &second 10-year plans from 2005 are indications of the existence of a durable planning system in this field, which is important for planners &policy researchers to examine &scrutinize. The purpose of this article is to report applied qualitative policy research to narrate the local experience of policy-making &to identify &explain the strengths &factors of durability &sustainability of this experience. The primary data sources of the research are individual &group interviews generated by INIC, with two types of stakeholders, including planning executives (inside INIC) &informed experts (outside INIC). A thematic analysis methodology was used to process the data. The article describes the policy process of nanotechnology in Iran based on the three-stage policy cycle model, including policy formulation, implementation, &evaluation. It then explains the key factors influencing the durability of this process.


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