An Comparison of the First Five Development Plans of the Islamic Republic of Iran, from the Perspective of Contingency Planning indices

Document Type : Review Article


1 Phd student of political science , Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant professor of political science, Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran


Developmental policy-making & planning should be able to confront unfamiliar & contingent phenomena in practice & have the ability to make a kind of strategic balance between the planning environment & identified objects to form the basis for realizing its objectives. Fitness, coherence, & tolerance (flexibility) are the three bases of contingency planning. Now the question is, from the perspective of contingency planning indices, which one of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s development plans was able to realize its identified objectives. In our research, we propose the hypothesis that although fourth & fifth development plans, from a theoretical point of view, were more in compliance with contingency planning indices , the third development plan was in practice the best plan regarding contingency planning indices. In this research, we will use a descriptive & comparative methodology & by using primary sources we apply a library research method.


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