Designing A Policy Mix for the Development of East Azerbaijan Innovation Ecosystem; Case Study: Auto Parts Manufacturing Industry

Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant Professor of STI, National Research Institute of Science Policy

2 Professor of IT Management, Tarbiat Modares University

3 PHD Student of STI Policy Making, Tarbiat Modares University


Despite its various technological capabilities, East Azerbaijan Province is one of the most unsuccessful research regions in terms of innovation typology. Therefore, in accordance with the dependence of innovation on the characteristics of regions, this article seeks to design a policy mix for the development of regional innovation ecosystem in East Azerbaijan Province. For this purpose, first, based on the grounded theory strategy and via interview, the experiences of senior managers of the province are extracted and translated to a local framework for designing a policy mix for the development of regional innovation ecosystem in the province was developed. Then the framework is implemented in the auto parts manufacturing industry. Based on the research findings, attracting the participation of a wide range of stakeholders, aligning with horizontal and vertical policies, paying attention to the regional innovation infrastructure and emphasizing on trans-regional integration are highlighted in the macro model of innovation policy. Also the importance of typology, ecosystem components' exploration, CSF identification and life cycle analysis in the evaluation of innovation ecosystems was also emphasized, and finally the necessity of the evaluation of the probable effects of the policy tools and the further planning for the implemention of the policy mix was explained.


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