Identifying the Strategies for Reducing the Impact of Individual emotion on National Policymakers Decisions (Case Study: MPs)

Document Type : Research Article


1 Ph.D. Student in Public Administration, University of allameh tabataba'i

2 Associate professor in Public Administration, University of allameh tabataba'i


Individual emotions always play a significant role in the decision making process of individuals, In the same way that it can make an irrational decision; In some cases, these irrational decisions are very damaging and dangerous, Especially if these decisions are not specific to the individual and taken at the national and macro level of a country and in line with the general public policy; Therefore, in this research, by reviewing the scientific literature with the aim of identifying practical solutions to reduce the effect of emotions on the decision making process of national Policymakers with 27 parliamentarians selected by snowball sampling, semi-structured interviews were conducted in a phenomenological way (theme analysis); From the analysis of the content of the interviews, two categories of themes were found interpersonal and Intrapersonal, The intrapersonal theme included two strategies to minimize emotional response and to dismiss a decision that was taken in emotional conditions. And consequently was identified 8 practical approach. And for the interpersonal theme, three rational strategies in decision making, decision-making in the form of council and rule in decision making, and so on, 10 strategies to reduce the effects of emotions in decision making which could be a practical framework for policy makers to reduce the impact of Disruptive and destructive emotions in the policy process.


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