Public Policy Formative Pattern in Network Governance Approach (Case Study: Urban Public Transportation in Tehran)

Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD candidate Allameh tabatabae;i university

2 Department of Public Management, Faculty of Management & Accounting, University of Allameh Tabataba'i


Given that proper management in any field requires the development of an appropriate policy and the use of a network governance approach in it leads to the creation of a multifaceted perspective and the participation of stakeholders, this study seeks to achieve a policy development model. Tehran's public transport is with a network governance approach. This research was performed qualitatively using content analysis strategy and the data collection tool was a semi-structured interview. The findings show that in designing the model, it is necessary to identify stakeholders, institutional structure, how to coordinate institutions, institutional functions and environmental conditions. Intermediate network construction with the role of Tehran Municipality mediation, central government support role of local government, turnover Interdisciplinary information, private-sector participation, and knowledgeable citizens are important components of research design.


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