Analytical Assessment of Institutional Mapping of Iran’s Biotechnology Regulatory System Case Study: Biological Food and Drug

Document Type : Research Article


1 Ph.D. Public Management, Tehran University

2 Professor. Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences

3 Ph.D. Student of Public Management, Allameh Tabataba’i University


Products regulation based on emerging technologies such as biotechnology has seized attention in the recent years. Thus the functional and structural analysis of Iran’s biotechnology regulatory system in the field of biological food and drug is presented in this study. So in the first step, Institutional mapping of biological drug and food sector is drawn, then based on Investigation of other countries biotechnology regulatory system and Conducting fourteen in-depth interviews and nine group interviews with experts, The existing weaknesses and challenges in this field identified and the appropriate solutions and strategies to deal with them are also presented in this article.
The findings of this study shows that the structural requirements are: to strengthening the national coordinator institutions and reforming the arrangement of regulator institutions, and functional requirements are: to presenting some strategies and solution for the functions such as regulation, monitoring, awareness and law enforcement.


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