The Role of Problem Structuring in Designing Public Programs: The Case Study of "Inspection and Supervision Network of People"

Document Type : Research Article


1 Ph.D. Candidate in Innovation Management, University of Tehran. Researcher at Rushd Center, Imam Sadiq Univerdsity

2 Full Professor in Public Policy & Administration; Tarbiat Modares University

3 Assistant Professor in Public Policy & Administration; Imam Sadiq University

4 Ph.D. Candidate in Technology Management; Iran University of Science and Technology


Mental structures and people’s perceptions of social issues and problems are so diverse and multilayered, from which there is sometimes no proximity between people’s descriptions of a single problem. Identifying the imagination of the designers, the executives, the partners, and the critics of SHABNAM has been the aim of this study, in which the theoretical spheres of the program have been drawn in separate logic models by “Program Theory Evaluation”. “Program Theory” in the science of Evaluation explains how an intervention leads to a specific outcome chain. For this purpose, next to studying the relevant documents, 16 of the most influential people in a logical model, and ultimately the policy recommendations have been uttered.


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