Modeling Requirements of Future-Oriented Policymaking for Petroleum Industry

Document Type : Research Article


1 university of allame tabatabai

2 professormanagement Allameh Tabatabaei University

3 Associate Professor, faculty of management, Allameh Tabataba'i University

4 Associate Professor, faculty of management, Allameh Tabatabae'i University


Purpose of this study was to identify the future-oriented policymaking requirements in the oil industry using a qualitative method. Grounded theory strategy has been used, given the lack of theoretical development and the necessity of theorizing in this field. 21 in-depth interview was conducted with a diverse range of experts with relevant experience from petroleum industry to policy centers out of petroleum industry, including the Islamic Consultative Assembly, the Parliamentary Research Center and as well as academics. Data analysis led to the emergence of 277 initial codes, 31 sub categories and 10 main categories. Finally the logical diagram of the relationship between the categories and four main statements appeared. As a result, dimensions and indicators of future-oriented policymaking, as well as "structural", "process" and "content" requirements of it were identified that are necessary conditions of future-oriented policymaking. "Creating change estimation system" and "creating response to change signals system" were identified as strategies for advancing future-oriented policy-making or its adequate conditions. Two categories of contextual factors was identified, including "context of proprietary environment" and "general context". Implementation of strategies leads to two categories of "individual" and "organizational" outcomes.


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