Policy Framework for Confront with the Brain Drain in Iran

Document Type : Research Article


1 Professor of Faculty of Management, University of Tehran

2 Ph.D Student of Public Management, Alborz Campus of University of Tehran

3 Associate Professor of Faculty of Management, University of Tehran

4 Assistant of Faculty of Management , shahid Sattari University


Now brain drain has become a public issue in our country and it is inevitable to formulate policies to deal with it. The purpose of this study is to provide a general policy framework for prevent with brain drain. The results showed that the two groups of gravity and repulsive factors cause the brain to escape. The structure of education and research, the technology ecosystem, the ecosystem of the business environment and the space of interaction and the relationship of ground factors. Improvement of training. Social security systems, talent management and meritocracy and management based on merit and social justice were factors of intervention, proper management in the state, human resource development, social participation, and tendency towards knowledge economy. The consequences of policy formulation include improving social capital, benefiting from human and intellectual capital, and comprehensive development of the country.


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