Relationship Between Public Sphere and the Reduction of Corruption: A Public Policy Approach

Document Type : Research Article


Visiting assistant professor of the Public Policy, Faculty of Law and Politics, Tehran University


This paper is designed to advance the theory of public sphere and its impact on the development of corruption control. Firstly, the role of public sphere in fostering anti-corruption institutions was tested by the theory based on Habermas (1989) and Parsons (1995). In particular, the concept of the public sphere was expanded to examine collective factors rather than individual attributes in administrative corruption. Secondly, the ranking of selected countries in the Corruption Perceptions Index (2017) was compared in terms of achieving sustainable development goals. The study also aimed to investigate the trend of corruption in developing countries by examining the values applied at the socio-economical levels of the target countries.  The paper argues that the style of governance is the main cause of corruption in the developing countries rather than individual-centric approach.


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