The Effect of the Syrian Military Structure on the Security Policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran


1 Ph.D. Student of Department of International Relations Central Tehran Branch Islamic Azad University Tehran Iran

2 Associate Professor of Department of International Relations Central Tehran Branch Islamic Azad University Tehran Iran


After the onset of the civil war in Syria and the request for help from the Syrian government, the Islamic Republic of Iran consider the paramilitary mechanism's establishment and reinforcement part of its security policies in Syria. Despite the positive role of parallel military structures, objective evidence suggests a high probability of dissolving or weakening these structures in post-war situations. Therefore, when the military institution does not have the necessary capabilities to restrain future security threats in the future, the question is: What are the security requirements of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Syria after war? Accordingly, this article is based on the hypothesis that the Islamic Republic of Iran should push its security policy in post-war Syria to maintain the legality of Syrian and non-Syrian paramilitary structures in the context of implementing a strategy for the continuation of an adventurous presence in the country.


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