Explanation of Indigenized Model for E-Participation in Public Policy Making in Iran, Using Grounded Theory


1 Associate Professor of Public Administration Allameh Tabataba'i University

2 Ph. D. Student in Public Administration Allameh Tabataba'i University

3 Assistant Professor of Telecommunication Islamic Azad University Garmsar Branch


This paper proposes a model for understanding the e-participation concept in particular context of Iran by using Grounded theory method, In this regard, we conducted 15 open interview with EP to explore the EP concept and processes to develop EP model, then we implemented all coding in MaxQDA12 software. By data analysis within open coding process 404abstract concepts in form of 28 main categories were immerged. The results indicate EP involve three domains including EP policy making, EP systems & EP cycle in public policy process. Developing EP in an effective manner requires political-socio-technical approach & participative strategy we called it “ National acceptance & discoursing strategy” considering multi factors as causal factors, contextual factors, intervening factors.


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