Investigating of Social Assistance System Mechanisms Based on Human Capability Approach


1 Professor of Financial Management, University of Tehran

2 Associate Professor of Public Administration, University of Tehran

3 Associate Professor of Theoretical Econimics, University of Allameh Tabataba′i

4 Ph. D. student in Development Management, University of Tehran


Policy foundations, anti-poverty programs and institutional mechanism of social assistance in Iran have major shortcomings. This study aiming to determine mechanisms of social assistance system based on capability approach and social assistance governance, seeks to answer the question of what should be the content of policies, programs and methods of social assistance implementation based on these two approaches. According to theoretical literature review, this research focuses on capability approach and social assistance governance to take advantage of recommendations, research literature and other countries experiences. For this purpose, relevant political, scientific documents and Beneficiary groups’ expectations of social assistance were collected and their contents were analyzed using thematic literature review. The findings indicate that capability approach emphasizes changing relationship of poverty and growth, measuring multidimensional poverty, and exiting the poor from poverty. Social assistance governance is also emphasized on the three components: designing integrated poverty alleviation programs, implementation requirements, and evaluation of programs and institutions.


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