Formulating Interactive Policy Making Framework Regarding Anti Money Laundering in the Islamic Republic of Iran Banking System


1 Associate Professor of Public Administration at Allameh Tabataba'i University

2 PhD student of public administration at Allameh Tabataba'i University

3 Professor of Public Administration at Allameh Tabataba'i University

4 Assistant Professor of Finance and Banking, Allameh Tabataba'i University


The policy-making process is one of the main pillars of the political, economic, social and cultural system of a country, which is an integral part of the state decision-making system. One of the latest and most important knowledge theories of policy making are the interactive policy-making topic that plays an important role in the development and advancement of countries. Since corruption in our country is one of the main measures, it is necessary to deal with the related issues. Money laundering is one of the most important examples of corruption, which is often done through the banking system. In this research, an interactive policy framework for Anti money laundering in the Islamic Republic of Iran's banking system has been developed. The method of this study is a qualitative method that identifies and analyzes the data using the method of analysis of the subject. According to the research findings, 265 indicators were extracted from interviews and international and domestic literature. Out of these indicators, 56 organizing themes and 5 themes were identified. Based on the results of the study, the interactive policy framework for combating money laundering in the Iran's Banking System is providing participatory and managerial measures that are effective with the intelligence and interacting partners, in order to achieve the relevant goals.


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