Criminal policy making on the rights of crime victim

Document Type : Research Article


Assistant Professor Faculty of Law and Political Science University of Tehran


Establishing order and security are one of the most important goals of the government in society, without which they will not be able to carry out government programs in the economy, industry, agriculture, culture and so on.
‏In the light of security, it is also possible to realize the values ​​that the government supports in the realization of justice and freedom. Criminal policy making, as a branch of public policy, discusses programs and strategies to achieve the goals of the government. In the past, the core of criminal policy making was to prosecute and punish the offenders, and to secure security and order are subject to punitive and punitive sanctions. But the evolution of victimology has gradually begun to focus on the rights of the offenders as one of the key issues of criminal policy. Criminal policy making is a set of preventive, punitive and remedial measures in relation to the phenomenon of crime. Compensation for crime-related crime for victim and victim is one of the key issues in the field of criminal policy making. Without compensating for these injuries, criminal justice systems will fail to achieve the desired goals of the state. In order to explain these goals, the concept of criminal policy making and criminal policy making, and subsequently the victimized rights of the victim, will be discussed based on the general policy of the system.


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