Industrial policy model for preserving and improving the efficiency upstream sector of the Iran's oil industry of Iran

Document Type : Research Article


1 Professor of political science, Tehran University

2 PhD of Public Policy, University of Tehran


Any industrial policy based on competitiveness requires the use of "competitive advantage" would be. Competitive advantage can be linked with foreign investment opportunities for transfer of skills, technology and capital to bring about. Iran's upstream sector of the oil industry has two main indicators "available resources" and "skilled labor". Effectiveness these indicates need for "investment", "knowledge" and "management". Using these five components will be need to "institutionalized legal rules". Rule of law can enhance the competitive advantage of Iran's oil industry and part of industrial policy based on competitiveness in the global trade arena. capital and information, transparency and accountability is achieved. "Theoretical framework approach based on" competitive advantage "Porter is set. Methodology The study is based on the description, explanation and Future Studies will be signs of competitive advantage. This article according to "analytical company level" based on "competitive field of industrial policy" is set.


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