Identity processes and represent of Horror policy: Understanding context of Islamophobia

Document Type : Research Article


Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Tehran


In the last decade, we saw the emergence of a different intellectual trends have each been trying to rely on their imagination, to strengthen the identity of "self" and rejecting "other". In this paper, I analyzes on how to construct the Islamic identity in Europe and United state, and how the representation of Islam and Iran. Specifically, the article will be discussed about Islamic and Iranian identity construction from the perspective of identity. Islamophobia and Iran fear the most pivotal concept that Western thinkers in the past two decades have paid to the representation of its identity in the West. The key question is that what norms and perceptions with the objective of otherness and removal of Islamism reproduce? The underlying assumption of this article is based on the idea that identity patterns emerged in relation to Islam in the West and instill fear of Islam and Iran-phobia policy, the result being divided and the gap between the two worlds of identity and epistemological thinking, habits, and political institutions and different structures that "distorts process" or "reductionism" is.


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