An analytical introduction to public policy capacity issue: assessment the nature, subject and function

Document Type : Research Article


1 Prof. of Management, Tarbiat Modarres University

2 Assistant Prof. of Management, Tarbiat Modarres University

3 MSc. of public Administration, University of Imam sadiq


Change the architecture of governments after the globalization and public administration reform, underlie emergence the actors that are parallel with governments that transfer part of government's public policy ability to this actors and formation of "hollow state’ phenomenon. Scientists of government responded to this "ability transfer” by “policy capacity”. Spite of this fact, can be seen in the multiplicity in theoretical studies and definitions of this concepts. Contemplate in the meaning of this concept and drawing its semantic field, has provided an important methodical strategy to better understand and improve the field of public policy capacity study. In this paper, relying on thematic analysis method, first, "nature","Subject","function” been derived as a constituent theme of policy capacity and then be criticized. The conclusion indicate, definitions arising from governance approach have provided more accurate conceptual underpinning compared to other definitions and be capable shown distinguish it from other topics of public policy.


الف) فارسی
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