Social Construction of the Policy Enactment of Faculty Promotion in the University

Document Type : Research Article


1 Full Professor in Management, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD in Educational Management, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran


The main issue of the present study was that despite the studies that have been done so far on the analysis of faculty promotion policy, but less attention has been paid to the interpretation, translation & enactment of this policy in universities. So, our main question was what is the basic policy of promoting faculty members in universities? The research method was qualitative case study. Research data obtained through interviews with 12 policy actors from one of the first level public universities & were analyzed using the Creswell spiral method, & finally discussed using the policy enactment framework. The findings showed that despite the fact that in during the last decade, the policy of faculty promotion influenced by idea of entrepreneur university, the performance-oriented aspect dominates the work environment of faculty members & conceptualizes the meaning of promotion in the form of measurable economic value, but the policy actors within the university, with their readings, interpretations, & translations of this policy, have moderated the effects of the influx that into the universities.


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