The emergence of the phenomenon of artificial intelligence is one of the most important technologies that are effective in all aspects of human life today, &in many cases even without people realizing the presence of this phenomenon, it plays a vital role in various areas of human life. The trademark law system is one of the most important aspects of human life, which has been greatly affected by the introduction of artificial intelligence into the process of purchasing goods &services. The purpose of writing this article is to examine the place of artificial intelligence phenomenon in the trademark law system of countries, so that by studying the effects &consequences that this phenomenon will bring for this legal system, identify the inevitable changes that are necessary for the fundamental principles &rules of this system. In line with this goal, the current research tries to investigate the various legal dimensions of the presence of artificial intelligence in the process of purchasing goods &services, as well as its use for the evaluation of trademark applications, with the analytical-descriptive method &the library approach. In the end, it concludes that, firstly, many of the fundamental principles &concepts of this system, such as the concept of the normal consumer &the likelihood of confusion in the trademark law system, will undergo major changes, &secondly, the use of artificial intelligence by registration offices will lead to an increase in the quality of applications &trademarks, as well as a decrease in the quantity of infringement in this area.
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Shakeri, Z. and Amirshahkarami, S. H. (2022). A Look at the Application of Artificial Intelligence in the Legal System of Trademarks. Iranian Journal of Public Policy, 8(3), 27-39. doi: 10.22059/jppolicy.2022.89539
Shakeri, Z. , and Amirshahkarami, S. H. . "A Look at the Application of Artificial Intelligence in the Legal System of Trademarks", Iranian Journal of Public Policy, 8, 3, 2022, 27-39. doi: 10.22059/jppolicy.2022.89539
Shakeri, Z., Amirshahkarami, S. H. (2022). 'A Look at the Application of Artificial Intelligence in the Legal System of Trademarks', Iranian Journal of Public Policy, 8(3), pp. 27-39. doi: 10.22059/jppolicy.2022.89539
Z. Shakeri and S. H. Amirshahkarami, "A Look at the Application of Artificial Intelligence in the Legal System of Trademarks," Iranian Journal of Public Policy, 8 3 (2022): 27-39, doi: 10.22059/jppolicy.2022.89539
Shakeri, Z., Amirshahkarami, S. H. A Look at the Application of Artificial Intelligence in the Legal System of Trademarks. Iranian Journal of Public Policy, 2022; 8(3): 27-39. doi: 10.22059/jppolicy.2022.89539